Xpuhil - Temple with Cresting

Xpuhil Train Station


Still Under construction

How to get to Xpuhil Train Station?

Xpuhil Station Pictogram: The Three Towers Building

The structure features three superimposed towers on its main facade. These towers are an exceptional example of the creativity and architectural skill of the ancient Maya.

Each tower has its own entrance and stairway, suggesting the possibility of different levels of access or functions within the building. This unique layout has intrigued archaeologists and visitors alike.

icon Xpuhil Station

Standard Train ->

Ticket | See the Map | Schedule | UTC-6 Campeche 

Xpuhil Archaelogical Site


Monday to Sunday from 8:00 am to 17:00 hrs. Last entry at 16:45 hrs.

$75.00 MXN (Mexican Pesos)