Municipal Palace of Tabasco

Exploring Tabasco with the Mayan Train

The Eden of México

Tabasco, nestled in southeastern Mexico and part of the Mayan Train route, beckons with its rich cultural heritage, pristine natural landscapes, and significant historical sites. Renowned for its delectable gastronomy, Tabasco boasts iconic dishes such as ‘pejelagarto en salsa’ and ‘puchero tabasqueño’, tantalizing the taste buds with unique flavors and culinary traditions.

The historical significance of Tabasco shines through its ties to the ancient Olmec civilization, one of Mesoamerica’s oldest and most influential cultures.

With its vibrant music, art, and folklore, Tabasco offers a captivating blend of cultural immersion and adventure. Whether exploring its extensive rivers and wetlands, or indulging in its diverse cultural events and festivals, Tabasco promises unforgettable experiences for travelers of all interests.

Tabasco Typical Costume on the Mayan Train

Embark on a journey to Tabasco, where the mighty Grijalva River flows, and immerse yourself in the beauty and charm of this enchanting destination along the Mayan Train.
Olmec head Tabasco on the Mayan Train

What is the history of the state of Tabasco?

The history of Tabasco dates back to the pre-Hispanic era when the region was inhabited by several indigenous cultures, including the Olmec, Maya, and Chontal civilizations.

During the colonial era, Tabasco was part of the province of Yucatán and later the Intendancy of Mérida.


Between 23°C and 38°C



Where is the state of Tabasco located?

Tabasco is a state located in the southeastern region of Mexico. It borders the Gulf of Mexico (Atlantic Ocean) to the north, the state of Campeche to the east, Guatemala to the southeast, the state of Chiapas to the south, and Veracruz to the west.

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Tabasco State on the Mayan Train Route

Lord of Tila Church in Tabasco on the Mayan Train
Extreme Sports in Tabasco on the Mayan Train
tabasco mangrove boat on the Mayan Train
Crafts in Tabasco on the Mayan Train
City of Cardenas Tabasco on the Mayan Train
Tenosique Bridge in Tabasco on the Mayan Train

What are the Festivities of the State of Tabasco?

The State of Tabasco is full of festivals and celebrations, some of the most important ones are:

Tabasco Fair on the Mayan Train

Tabasco Fair

It is the most important festival in the state, celebrated in honor of the patron saint of the city of Villahermosa, San Juan Bautista, and lasts approximately 2 weeks.

Villahermosa Tabasco Carnival on the Mayan Train

Villahermosa Carnival

It is celebrated every year in February or March, just before Lent. It is a celebration filled with music, dances, and costumes, where participants parade through the streets of the city.

Cocoa and Chocolate Fair Tabasco on the Mayan Train

Cocoa and Chocolate Fair

It is celebrated in November in the city of Villahermosa and is dedicated to the promotion and consumption of cocoa and chocolate. Visitors can taste different types of chocolate and try products made from cocoa.

What to do in the state of Tabasco?

The state of Tabasco offers a wide variety of tourist attractions and activities to enjoy during your visit. Here are some things you can do in Tabasco:

Visit the Archaeological Sites Tabasco on the Mayan Train

Visit the Archaeological Sites

Explore the Cacao Plantations Tabasco on the Mayan Train

Explore the Cacao Plantations

Explore the Natural Wonders Tabasco on the Mayan Train

Explore the Natural Wonders

Discover the Waterfalls and Pools Tabasco on the Mayan Train

Discover the Waterfalls and Pools

Enjoy the Local Cuisine Tabasco on the Mayan Train

Enjoy the Local Cuisine

Visit the Pre-Hispanic city of Comalcalco Tabasco

Visit the Pre-Hispanic city of Comalcalco

Visit the Venta Park Museum Tabasco on the Mayan Train

Visit the Venta Park Museum

Explore the Carlos A. Madrazo Boardwalk Tabasco on the Mayan Train

Explore the Carlos A. Madrazo Boardwalk

Activities Highlighted in the State of Tabasco

The state of Tabasco offers a wide variety of activities for all tastes and ages. Here are some of the most prominent ones:

Exploring the Usumacinta River Tabasco on the Mayan Train

Exploring the Usumacinta River

Visiting the Yumká Reserve Tabasco on the Mayan Train

Visiting the Yumká Reserve

Beaches in the state of Tabasco

Although the state of Tabasco is not known for its beaches, it does have some options to enjoy the sea and sand. Some beaches you can visit in Tabasco are:

Varadero Beach Tabasco on the Mayan Train

Varadero Beach

El Tortuguero Spa Tabasco on the Mayan Train

El Tortuguero Spa

Barra de Tupilco Beach Tabasco on the Mayan Train

Barra de Tupilco Beach

Archaeological Sites in the State of Tabasco

The state of Tabasco is rich in pre-Hispanic history and has several archaeological sites that you can visit. Some of the most important ones include:

What are the stations of the Mayan Train in the state of Tabasco?

Tabasco has 2 stations of the Mayan Train.

icon Boca del Cerro Station

Boca del Cerro

icon El Triunfo Station

El Triunfo

What are the stops of the Mayan Train in Tabasco?

Tabasco has 1 stop of the Mayan Train.

icon Tenosique Stop


What tours are available in the state of Tabasco?

What tours are available in the state of Tabasco?What tours are available in the state of Tabasco?

Where to stay in the state of Tabasco?

Some hotels in the state of Tabasco are:

Villahermosa Marriott Hotel en el Estado de Tabasco

Villahermosa Marriott Hotel


Hotel Quinta Edén Villahermosa en el Estado de Tabasco

Quinta Edén Villahermosa


Hyatt Regency Villahermosa en el Estado de Tabasco

Hyatt Regency Villahermosa


Where to eat in the state of Tabasco?

Some restaurants in the state of Tabasco:

Discover the Other States along the Mayan Train route

Waterfall in Tabasco

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from the state of Tabasco

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