Uxmal Archaelogical Site

Uxmal Archaeological Site


Embark on an archaeological adventure to discover Uxmal, a renowned Maya site with a rich history and impressive architecture. With the majestic profile of the Pyramid of the Magician, the elegance of the Quadrangle of the Nuns, and the charm of the House of the Doves, Uxmal captivates visitors with its beauty and mystery.

This archaeological site, considered the most representative of Puuc architecture, exhibits a variety of fascinating elements, from the masks of the god Chaac adorning the facades to the intricate designs of the fretwork, panels with hieroglyphics, and towering crests that dominate the skyline. Each structure tells a unique story and offers a fascinating insight into the culture and daily life of the ancient Maya civilization.

Connect with the past through the Tren Maya, which takes you on a journey through Mexico’s history and culture. Thanks to this modern transportation infrastructure, it’s now easier than ever to explore the archaeological treasures of Uxmal and immerse yourself in the greatness of the Maya civilization.

Near Stop


Three times built

Uxmal Archaelogical Site


Monday to Sunday from 8:30 am to 17:00. Last entry at 16:00 pm.

$95.00 MXN (Mexican Pesos)

800 B.C. – 1100 A.D. | Classic Period

Where is the Uxmal Archaeological Site Located?

It is located 44.7 miles (72 km) southeast of the city of Mérida, in the municipality of Santa Elena, Yucatán.

  • Fee for professional cameras
  • INAPAM discount (for seniors)
  • Discount for students and teachers
  • Free admission on Sundays (Mexicans)
  • Free entry for children under 13 years old
  • No smoking, food and pets allowed

According to the legend of the dwarf of Uxmal, the Pyramid of the Magician was constructed in a single night.


Uxmal Archaeological Site

Quadrangle of the Nuns

Quadrangle of the Nuns

Temple of the Magician Uxmal Archaelogical Site

Temple of the Magician

The East Portico Uxmal Archaelogical Site

The East Portico

The Cemetery Group

The Cemetery Group

North Annex Group Uxmal Archaelogical Site

The North Annex Group

House of the Turtles Uxmal Archaelogical Site

The House of the Turtles

The Pigeon Coop Group

The Pigeon Coop Group

Ball Game Uxmal Archaelogical Site

Ball game

House of the Bird Uxmal Archaelogical Site

The House of the Bird God or House of Spells

Archaeological sites near Uxmal