Sayil Archaelogical Site

Sayil Archaeological Site


Sayil, an archaeological site nestled in the Puuc region, epitomizes the distinctive architectural style characteristic of the area. One of its most prominent features is the Great Palace or North Palace, renowned for its coherent facades built over successive stages more than twelve centuries ago.

Within the premises, stelae depicting important lords, presumably the site’s leaders, once stood as symbols of political and religious authority. However, archaeological findings suggest a more nuanced power structure, indicating that these lords may have shared their influence with other lineages.

Accessible via the Maya Train route, Sayil offers visitors a glimpse into the rich history and culture of the Maya civilization. As they explore the site, travelers can marvel at its architectural marvels and gain insights into the complex social and political dynamics that once shaped life in ancient Sayil.

Embark on a journey through time with the Maya Train, traversing the historic route that connects modern-day travelers to the ancient wonders of Sayil and other significant Maya sites.

Near Stop


Place of the army ants

Structure-3B1-or-Glyphic-Jambs Sayil Archaelogical Site


Monday to Sunday from 8:00 am to 17:00 pm. Last entry at 16:00 hrs.

$75.00 MXN pesos.

800 B.C. – 950 | Late Classic to Terminal Classic

Where is the Sayil Archaeological Site Located?

It is located within the Puuc region, in a rocky valley, in Mérida, Yucatán.

  • Fee for video camera
  • Fee for professional cameras
  • INAPAM discount (for seniors)
  • Discount for students and teachers
  • Free admission on Sundays (Mexicans)
  • Free entry for children under 13 years old
  • No smoking allowed, pets, food

The city is composed of significant groups of masonry structures connected by stone paths, following a north-south axis of almost one and a half kilometers.


Archaeological Site of Sayil

Great Palace Sayil Archaelogical Site

Great Palace or North Palace

South Palace Sayil

South Palace

The Lookout Sayil Archaelogical Site

The Lookout

 Glyphic Jambs Sayil Archaelogical Site

Structure 3B1 or Glyphic Jambs