Edzná Train Station


How to get to the Edzná Train Station?

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Icon of the Edzná Station: Five-Story Building

Edzná is one of the most important archaeological sites in the municipality of Campeche. It served as a powerful regional capital in the western peninsula between 400 and 1000 AD, until its abandonment around 1450 AD.

The most significant and iconic structure in Edzná is known as the Five-Story Building in the Acropolis.

icon Edzná Station

Standard Train ->

Ticket | See the Map | Schedule | UTC-6 Campeche

Palenque$1,160.50 MXN$1,856.50 MXN4 hrs 9 min
Boca del Cerro$968.50 MXN$1,550.00 MXN3 hrs 23 min
Triunfo$725.50 MXN$1,160.50 MXN2 hrs 29 min
Candelaria$618.00 MXN$989.00 MXN2 hrs 4 min
Escárcega$415.00 MXN$664.00 MXN1 hr 23 min
Carrillo Puerto$219.00 MXN$350.50 MXN41 min
S.F. Campeche$114.00 MXN$182.00 MXN21 min
Tenabo$373.00 MXN$233.00 MXN1 hr 16 min
Hecelchakán$475.50 MXN$297.00 MXN1 hr 31 min
Calkiní$610.00 MXN$381.00 MXN1 hr 47 min
Maxcanú$752.50 MXN$470.50 MXN2 hrs 6 min
Umán$953.50 MXN$596.00 MXN2 hrs 32 min
Mérida Teya$1,100.50 MXN$687.50 MXN2 hrs 52 min
Tixkokob$1,188.00 MXN$742.50 MXN3 hrs 16 min
Izamal$1,363.00 MXN$852.00 MXN3 hrs 40 min
Chichén Itzá$1,710.50 MXN$1,069.00 MXN4 hrs 20 min
Valladolid$1,909.00 MXN$1,193.50 MXN4 hrs 47 min
Nuevo Xcan
Leona Vicario$2,478.00 MXN$1,549.00 MXN6 hrs 21 min
Cancún Airport$2,665.00 MXN$1,665.50 MXN6 hrs 53 min
Prices subject to change without prior notice.

What is in Edzná?

Edzná is a Mayan archaeological site located in the state of Campeche, in the Edzná Valley.

It is renowned for its monumental architecture and advanced hydraulic system, including the Grand Acropolis, a pyramidal temple surrounded by courtyards and rooms, the Five-Story Temple, and the ball court.

Edzná features religious and residential buildings spread across approximately 15.5 miles2 (25 km2).

Sitio Arqueológico de Edzna
Templo de Mascarones de Edzná

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