Carrillo Puerto Champotón Tren Maya Stop

Carrillo Puerto Champotón Tren Maya Stop


How to get to the Carrillo Puerto Station Tren Maya?

Go to Carrillo Puerto Train Station->

Meaning of the Carrillo Puerto Station: Moch-Couoh

The icon of the station honors the Atlante Moch-Couoh, a Maya chief from Champotón, who in 1517 led the historic battle in which the Maya repelled the Spanish, leaving almost 60 dead and Captain Francisco Hernández de Córdoba seriously wounded.

This Maya victory, which ultimately led to the death of the captain, symbolizes the bravery and resistance of Champotón against the conquest.

icono Paradero Carrillo Puerto

Standard Train -> Section 2: Escárcega-Calkiní

Ticket See the Map | Schedule | UTC-6 Campeche

Palenque$941.00 MXN$1,506.00 MXN3 h 24 min
Boca del Cerro$749.50 MXN$1,199.50 MXN2 h 40 min
Triunfo$506.00 MXN$810.00 MXN1 h 45 min
Candelaria$399.00 MXN$638.50 MXN1 h 21 min
Escárcega$196.00 MXN$313.50 MXN40 min
Edzná$219.00 MXN$350.50 MXN41 min
S.F. Campeche$333.00 MXN$553.00 MXN1 h 4 min
Tenabo$452.50 MXN$724.00 MXN2 h 4 min
Hecelchakán$516.00 MXN$826.00 MXN2 h 19 min
Calkiní$600.50 MXN$960.50 MXN2 h 35 min
Maxcanú$689.50 MXN$1,103.00 MXN2 h 54 min
Umán$815.00 MXN$1,304.00 MXN3 h 20 min
Mérida Teya$907.00 MXN$1,451.00 MXN3 h 40 min
Tixkokob$961.50 MXN$1,538.50 MXN4 h 4 min
Izamal$1,071.00 MXN$1,713.50 MXN4 h 28 min
Chichén Itzá$1,288.00 MXN$2,061.00 MXN5 h 10 min
Valladolid$1,412.50 MXN$1,695.00 MXN5 h 37 min
Nuevo Xcan$1622.50 MXN$2,596.00 MXN6 h 16 min
Leona Vicario$1,768.00 MXN$2,829.00 MXN6 h 45 min
Cancún Airport$1,884.50 MXN$3,015.50 MXN7 h 11 min
Prices subject to change without prior notice

What is in the town of Carrillo Puerto, Champotón?

Carrillo Puerto is a peaceful place full of history. The Monument to Moch-Couoh stands out, honoring the Maya chief who led the resistance against the Spanish in 1517, a symbol of local pride and identity.

Just 50 minutes from serene beaches and the iconic Champotón River, Carrillo Puerto offers a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere.

Moch Couoh Champotón, Campeche