tonina archaeological site

Toniná and the Mayan Train


Toniná is a remarkable Maya archaeological site located in the lush state of Chiapas, Mexico. It flourished as a city-state of great political and military importance in the region, during the heyday of Maya culture.

The most impressive feature of Toniná is its majestic pyramid, known as the Acropolis. This imposing structure rises imposingly above the landscape, standing out for its height and elaborate ornamentation that adorns its stairways and platforms. The Acropolis not only served as a ceremonial center but also as a symbol of the power and grandeur of the city.

Moreover, with the Mayan Train, Toniná becomes more accessible for visitors. This ambitious initiative aims to improve connectivity to various archaeological sites and tourist destinations in the region, including Toniná.

A distinctive feature of Toniná is its intricate system of tunnels and underground passageways, believed to have served various roles, from religious rituals to defensive functions during times of conflict.

Near Station


The stone house


Monday to Sunday from 8:00 am to 17:00.

$80.00 MXN (Mexican Pesos)

1 to 1000 AD | Late Preclassic to Early Postclassic

600 – 850 AD| Classic

Where is the Toniná Archaeological Site Located?

Access from Tuxtla Gutiérrez via the Federal Pan-American Highway also accessible from Palenque (118 km) and San Cristóbal de las Casas (91 km) via Highway 199 and is part of the Maya Train route.

  • Access only to the Great Plaza
  • Incluye la entrada al museo de sitio
  • Fee for professional cameras
  • INAPAM discount (for seniors)
  • Discount for students and teachers
  • Free admission on Sundays (Mexicans)
  • Free entry for children under 13 years old
  • No smoking allowed, No outside food allowed, No pets allowed

Studies of its inscriptions have revealed that its original name was Poop, which means “white” in the Mixe-Zoque language.

Toniná on the Maya Train

Site museum of Toniná