Palenque Archaelogical Site

Palenque Archaeological Site


The ancient city of Palenque, formerly known as Lakamha, meaning “Great Waters” in Maya, holds a significant place in Maya culture and history. Situated along the route of the Mayan Train, Palenque was the seat of a powerful dynasty, including King Pakal, and boasted impressive architecture and sculptural representations.

Palenque’s rich archaeological finds, including numerous inscribed panels, offer valuable insights into its political, religious, and military life. Its urbanization involved extensive modifications to the landscape, including river channeling, to support a population of around 10,000 inhabitants during its peak.

At the state level, Palenque had a sophisticated political organization, with a ruler (Ajaw) supported by nobles, advisors, and religious specialists who shaped the city’s destiny. Explore the cultural and historical significance of Palenque Archaelogical Site, a fascinating destination along the Mayan Train.

Near Station

Distance Station

5.5 miles (9 km)

Palenque Archaelogical Site


Monday to Sunday from 8:30 am to 17:00. Last entry at 16:00 pm.

$95.00 MXN (Mexican Pesos)

250 to 900 AD | Early Classic to Late Classic

615 – 783 | Classic Period

Where is the Palenque Archaeological Site Located?

It is located 4.97 miles (8 km) from the municipality of Palenque, in the state of Chiapas.

  • Fee for professional cameras
  • INAPAM discount (for seniors)
  • Discount for students and teachers
  • Free admission on Sundays (Mexicans)
  • It includes entry to the site museum.
  • Free entry for children under 13 years old
  • No smoking, pet, food allowed

Since 1987, it has been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List as a Pre-Hispanic City and National Park.


Palenque Archaeological Site

Aqueduct Palenque Archaelogical Site


The Palace Palenque

The Palace

Southern Acropolis Palenque

Southern Acropolis

Temple of the Inscriptions Palenque Archaelogical Site

Temple of the Inscriptions

Northen Group Palenque

Northern Group

Group of the Crosses Palenque

Group of the Crosses

Residencial Zones Palenque Archaelogical Site

Residential zones

Ball Game Palenque Archaelogical Site

Ball game

Archaeological sites near Palenque