The Jaguar’s Spots

Part 2

The jaguar approached out of curiosity, and then one of the monkeys, jokingly, threw an avocado at him, staining his back. The animals began to laugh, but the jaguar, feeling humiliated, became furious.

He caught the monkey that had ridiculed him and took him to his cave to eat him. The monkeys and the other animals fled in fear.

Nearby, in the heart of the jungle, lived Yum Kaax, the lord of the forest, who was the protector of animals and plants. The monkeys ran to find him to tell him what had happened and ask for his help.

He said, “We will teach that arrogant one, who got upset over a simple game and killed one of you, a lesson”.

The lord of the forest sent for the wild boars and ordered them to help the monkeys punish the jaguar. The next morning, the strongest wild boars arrived at the jaguar’s cave and forced him to leave.