Leona Vicario Train Stop

Quintana Roo

How to get to Leona Vicario Train Stop?

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Icon of the Stop: Leona Vicario

Leona Vicario was a prominent heroine of the Mexican Independence. Born as María de la Soledad Leona Camila Vicario Fernández de San Salvador, she was a patriot and activist who fervently supported the independence cause.

Known for her bravery and determination, she played a crucial role in the fight for Mexico’s freedom, providing logistical, financial, and even espionage support to the insurgent leaders.

icon Leona Vicario Stop

Standard Train ->

Ticket | See the Map | Schedule | UTC-5 Quintana Roo

Cancún Airport$116.50 MXN$186.50 MXN21 min
Nuevo Xcan
Valladolid$355.50 MXN$569.00 MXN1 hr 14 min
Chichén Itzá$480.00 MXN$767.50 MXN1 hr 41 min
Izamal$697.00 MXN$1,115.00 MXN2 hrs 33 min
Tixkokob$806.50 MXN$1,290.50 MXN2 hrs 58 min
Mérida Teya$861.00 MXN$1,378.00 MXN3 hrs 27 min
Umán$953.00 MXN$1,524.50 MXN3 hrs 55 min
Maxcanú$1,078.50 MXN$1,726.00 MXN4 hrs 21 min
Calkiní$1,167.50 MXN$1,868.50 MXN4 hrs 40 min
Hecelchakán$1,251.50 MXN$2,003.00 MXN4 hrs 57 min
Tenabo$1,315.50 MXN$2,105.00 MXN5 hrs 11 min
S.F. Campeche$1,435.00 MXN$2,296.00 MXN5 hrs 59 min
Edzná$1,549.00 MXN$2,478.00 MXN6 hrs 29 min
Carrillo Puerto$1,768.00 MXN$2,829.00 MXN7 hrs 12 min
Escárcega$1,964.00 MXN$3,142.00 MXN7 hrs 54 min
Boca del Cerro
Palenque$2,709.00 MXN$4,334.50 MXN10 hrs 33 min
Prices subject to change without prior notice.

What is there in the Town of Leona Vicario?

Leona Vicario, a charming town near Cancún, offers travelers an opportunity to immerse themselves in the local culture while exploring the historical treasures of the region.

Leona Vicario Town
Leona Vicario Cenote

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