It is said that in a corner of the Yucatan Peninsula, two remarkable women inhabited a village, carrying with them tales of love, envy, and a peculiar destiny. Xtabay, the generous but unfaithful woman, and Utz-Colel, upright but lacking compassion, became enduring legends in the Maya cultural tapestry. Xtabay, despite […]
In the vast tapestry of Mesoamerican history, the Olmecs and the Mayans shine like two bright stars at different times. While the Mayans have captivated global interest with their pyramids, hieroglyphic writing, and sophisticated calendars, the Olmecs are the precursors, the original architects of the cultural wealth that flourished in […]
Imagine a world without the concept of zero. A number that represents nothingness, emptiness, the starting point for all modern mathematics. Now, think about an ancient civilization that, centuries before others, had already understood and used this revolutionary concept: the ancient Maya. The Mayan civilization was one of the first […]
Archaelogical SIte Azul Maya Balche Bee Beverage Cancun caribbean Cenote Route chichen itza chocolate Convent Route Goal Mayan Train Inauguration Isthmus Train Jaguar Legend Maya Blue Mayan Train Mayan Zero Maya Pass Maya Train melipona new era Playa del Carmen Puerto Morelos Puuc Route tabasco Tren Maya Xtabay Xtabentun